The Jacksonville Grid Jacksonville


Jacksonville Review - April 2024 WILDFIRE COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS DAY is a national Firewise campaign to raise awareness and reduce risks from wildfires. Jacksonville is vulnerable to wildfires due to many homes being in close proximity to woodlands and forests. Because of drought and upcoming extremely hot weather, this summer and early fall promise to be a Jacksonville's Wildfire Firewise Community Preparedness Day, May 4, 2024, will be held in the D Street parking lot in Jacksonville. The event aims to raise awareness and reduce risks from wildfires in the city due to many homes being near woodlands and forests. Residents may bring branches, leaves, and other vegetation for chipped and disposed of. Three dumpsters will be available for small vegetation debris and two for debris that needs to be chipped. Members of the Jacksonville Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will manage the event alongside the Jacksonville Fire Department. Removing dead vegetation and debris, trimming flammable trees and shrubs close to your home, and pruning tree limbs to prevent wildfires.


Được phát hành : một tháng trước qua Jacksonville Review Online trong

WILDFIRE COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS DAY is a national Firewise campaign to raise awareness and reduce risks from wildfires. Jacksonville is vulnerable to wildfires due to many homes being in close proximity to woodlands and forests. Because of drought and upcoming extremely hot weather, this summer and early fall promise to be a bad year for severe wildfires.

Jacksonville’s Wildfire Firewise Community Preparedness Day is Saturday May 4, 2024, 9am to 1pm, in the D Street parking lot. Residents may bring branches, leaves, and other vegetation to be chipped and disposed of. Three dumpsters will be available: one for small vegetation debris and the other two for debris that needs to be chipped. Members of the Jacksonville Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will coordinate and manage the event along with the Jacksonville Fire Department.

Please take this opportunity to dispose of branches, dead trees and dead shrubs found on your property. Removing dead vegetation and debris, removing/trimming flammable trees and shrubs in close proximity to your home and pruning tree limbs so that the lowest branches are 6 to 10 feet above the ground will help protect your home from wildfire.

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Davis, Firewise Coordinator at [email protected] or 541-690-5688 or Jeff McFarland, Deputy Firewise Coordinator at [email protected] or 541-601-3926.

Chủ đề: Wildfires

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