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Solving Retirement and Housing Challenges in a Silver Divorce - Free Press of Jacksonville

By Dan Hultquist, MBA, Author of Understanding Reverse Movement Mortgage – Director of Reverse Mortgage Communications – Divorce can be financially crippling, particularly for seniors living on a fixed income, as it often involves dividing [...] Divorce, particularly for seniors living on a fixed income, can be financially crippling due to the financial implications of "grey" and "silver" divorces affecting individuals over 50 and 65. These divorces often involve dividing assets and negatively impact retirement savings and housing stability. The financial repercussions of these divorces can include liquidation of retirement assets and social security filings, particularly among women. Housing needs also pose a significant concern post-divorce, especially for homeowners aged 62 and over. One solution is the federally insured Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), which allows homeowners aged over 62 to convert a portion of their home equity into cash or a line of credit without a monthly repayment obligation for principal and interest. Other options include a spousal buyout, where one spouse retains the home through a reverse mortgage refinance.

Solving Retirement and Housing Challenges in a Silver Divorce - Free Press of Jacksonville

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By Dan Hultquist, MBA, Author of Understanding Reverse Movement Mortgage – Director of Reverse Mortgage Communications – Divorce can be financially crippling, particularly for seniors living on a fixed income, as it often involves dividing assets and impacting retirement savings and housing stability. The trend of “grey” and “silver” divorces, affecting individuals over 50 and 65 respectively, has seen a significant rise since 1990.

Several factors contribute to this trend, including longer life expectancies, desires for new relationships, and economic independence among spouses. However, these divorces pose unique challenges, such as dividing retirement savings and assets, determining support arrangements, and dealing with emotional complexities.

The financial repercussions of silver divorces can be severe, often necessitating the liquidation of retirement assets and impacting social security filings. Women are disproportionately affected, given their historical career breaks for childcare and lesser engagement with financial advisors.

Housing needs also pose a significant concern post-divorce, especially for homeowners aged 62 and above. Many seniors have their homes paid off, making it challenging to budget for new mortgage payments post-divorce.

One solution that addresses housing stability for older divorcees is the federally insured reverse mortgage product, known as a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM). This allows homeowners aged 62 and older to convert a portion of their home equity into cash or a line of credit without a monthly repayment obligation for principal and interest. [Note: homeowner will still need to pay property charges like taxes and insurance]

The HECM for Purchase (H4P) option further enables seniors to purchase a new principal residence with a reverse mortgage, addressing relocation challenges.

Various divorce strategies can mitigate housing concerns, such as selling the jointly owned home to acquire two separate residences or executing a spousal buyout, where one spouse retains the home through a reverse mortgage refinance.

Collaboration between mortgage professionals, legal advisors, and financial specialists is crucial in navigating these complex divorce scenarios and ensuring optimal outcomes for the parties involved.

Addressing the financial and housing implications of silver divorces requires careful planning and consideration of available options, including reverse mortgages, to safeguard the well-being of older divorcees.

To learn more about how a reverse mortgage might help you or your client, please reach out to the Movement Mortgage Reverse Division at [email protected].

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